<p>San Francisco, CA – CME Peer Review and the ACC are scheduled to present “A Risk Stratification Tool to Assess the Need for Peer Review” at the 36th Annual Conference on Friday, January 23.<br />
Sandra Weaver, MS, Vice President of Strategic Alliances at CME Peer Review, and Maria Ortiz, Senior Specialist in the Accreditation Department of ACC will present a risk stratification tool and engage learners with case studies to illustrate how the risk stratification tool and present case studies to illustrate how the tool and peer review process can identify activity “red flags” and mitigate risk for CME providers. Presenters will facilitate small group discussions to identify “high risk” areas of an activity will take place during this session.</p>
<p>The peer review process is an important step in validating content and ensuring that the planning process and presentations are free from commercial influence, that content scientifically valid, that all information is accurate and balanced, and that patient recommendations are evidence-based. The risk stratification tool for CME activities will provide a mechanism to categorize an activity’s level of risk to determine whether or not an in-depth peer review process is needed.</p>
<p>Participants should be able to utilize a risk stratification tool to determine whether or not a peer review is needed, assess an organization’s risk stratification process for employment of peer review, and identify potential “red flags” in the selection of planners, topics, faculty, commercial support, and exhibitors.</p>